Science and Technology

The OECD is a pioneer in promoting a better understanding of what science and technology do and could do, as well as the factors shaping how research is carried out and how it is then used. The OECD works with countries to obtain internationally comparable data and provide them with information on the scientific, technological and industrial environment and its relation to general economic goals such as growth and employment as a basis for examining the effectiveness of national policies.

Over 400 ebooks

Over 1900 chapters

Over 90 issues and  articles

Over 40 datasets


Outstanding Titles:

Information Technology Outlook

OECD Communications Outlook

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook

OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy

The Measurement of Scientific and Technological Activities.

OECD Digital Economy Papers

Databases: Indicators of international co-operation; Patents by main technology and by International Patent Classification (IPC); OECD Science, Technology and R&D Statistics; OECD Telecommunications and Internet Statistics.

Statistical Periodicals: Main Science and Technology Indicators.