Agriculture and Food
OECD is well known for its methodology for measuring support to agriculture in an internationally comparable way. It also conducts policy reviews and analysis on agriculture and fisheries policies issues and carries out an annual medium-term forcasting exercise. The Producer Support Estimate (PSE – a measure of support to agriculture) is a key tool developed by OECD to compare agricultural policy performance across countries and to track progress in policy reform.
Over 389 ebooks
Over 2100 chapters
Over 90 working papers
Over 50 datasets
Outstanding titles:
Annuals: Agriculture Policy Monitoring and Evaluation
OECD – FAO Agriculture Outlook
International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables
OECD Review of Agriculture Policies
OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers
OECD Agriculture Statistics: OECD – FAO Agricultural Outlook; Producer and Consumer Support Estimates; Environmental Performance of Agriculture.