
OECD work on the subject aims to increase the effectiveness of common efforts to support sustainable development. It helps policy makers in OECD and developing countries to find innovative solutions to the global challenge of development, poverty alleviation and the curbing of inequality. It brings together the knowledge and experience in different countries and puts the results at the disposal of the international community, policy makers, academics, the corporate sector and civil society.

Over 700 ebooks

Over 3100 chapters

Over 200 issues and articles

Over 45 datasets


Outstanding Titles:

African Economic Outlook; Latin American Economic Outlook; Southeast Asian Economic Outlook…

Development Co-operation Report

Aid for Trade at a Glance

Perspectives on Global Development

Book Series: Conflict and Fragility; Development Centre Studies; OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews; The Development Dimension…

OECD Development Centre Policy Insights

OECD Development Co-operation Working Papers

OECD International Development Statistics: Aggregate Aid Statistics; Creditor Reporting System; Geographical distribution of financial flows; Detailed aid Statistics; Gender, Institutions and Development.