
Economics is the discipline on which OECD work is built and economic statistics are the basis for much of OECD’s analysis. This work relates to both macroeconomic and structural issues, and in particular their effect on policies. OECD work on this field is based on continued monitoring of events in member countries as well as outside the OECD area and includes regular projections of short and medium-term economic developments.

Over 2600 ebooks

Over 7000 chapters

Over 1300 issues and articles

Over 320 datasets


Outstanding Titles:

Annuals about Economic Policy Reforms

National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Accounts and Financial Balance Sheets

OECD Economic Outlook

OECD Economic Survey

OECD Journal: Economic Studies; General Papers; Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis.

OECD Economics Department and OECD Statistics Working Papers

Databases: Main Economic Indicators; OECD Economic Outlook – Statistics and Projections; OECD National Accounts Statistics; OECD Product Market Regulation Statistics.

Statistical Periodicals.