
OECD’s work on education includes the gathering of statistical data, the conduct of policy reviews and analysis, and the use of survey data to improve learning outcomes (PISA). OECD statistics and survey data provide a strong evidence base helping OECD member countries improve the quality, equity, efficiency and effectiveness of their education systems. OECD wwork also covers research into early childhood education and care, teaching quality and recruiment, e-learning and lifelong learning.

Over 660 ebooks

Over 330 chapters

Over 400 issues and articles

Over 20 datasets.


Outstanding Titles:

Annuals and Outlooks: Education at Glance; Trend Shaping Education.

Education and Training Policy

Educational Research and Innovation

Higher Education in Regional and City Development

OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education.

OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training.

Reviews of National Policies for Education.

OECD Education Working Papers

Education Indicators in Focus

PISA in Focus.

Database: OECD Education Statistics