OECD work in this field covers analysis of employment, unemployment and labour market policies, closely linked to social policy and education. It monitors countries’ employment reforms in key areas such active labour market policies, employment protection, minium wage, vocational training and adult learning. It also provides country-specific analyses and tailored policy recommendations to help governments create more and better jobs for vulnerable groups, such as younger, older and disabled workers.
Over 3600 ebooks
Over 1000 chapters
Over 30 issues and articles
Over 90 datasets
Outstanding Titles:
Annuals and Outlooks: Labour Force Statistics; OECD Employment Outlook; Taxing Wages
Book Series: Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED); OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies.
OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers.
OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics: Labour Force Statistics; Earnings; Hours Worked; Average annual wages…
OECD Productivity Statistics: Labour Productivity growth; Capital services by type of asset; Multi-factor productivity; OECD esstimates of labour productivity levels…