
OECD work on governance aims to identify changing societal and market needs and assist countries in adapting their public sector governance arrangements to changing needs of society. This involves improving government effiency while protecting and promoting society’s longer-term governance values. OECD work on governance also covers the analysis of national e-government programmes, regulatory policies and the creation of policy instruments for the public sector to fight corruption and buid integrity.

Over 800 ebooks

Over 2700 chapters

Over 520 issues and articles

Over 130 working papers


Outstanding Titles:

Annual Report on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Central Government Debt

Governance  at a Glance

Book Series:

ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific

Competition Law and Policy Reviews

Corporate Governance

Cutting Red Tape

Fighting Corruption in Eastern Europe and  Central Asia

OECD e-Government Studies

OECD Fiscal Federalism Studies

OECD public Governance Reviews

OECD Reviews of Risk Management Policies

Partnership for Democratic Governance

OECD Journal: Budgeting; Competition Law and Policy

OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers