Social Issues, Migration and Health

Combating poverty and social exclusion remain high in the policy agenda in all countries within and outsidde the OECD. Providing benefits to people in need can help alleviate the worst social and economic hardship, but such policies cannot replace a comprehensive strategy of social development. Social policy work in the OECD covers a wide array of social, education and health policies implemented in a continuously changing environment of socio-democgraphic factors, labour markets, and technical progress.

Over 570 ebooks

Over 3200 chapters

Over 1600 tables and graphs

Over 50 datasets


Outstanding Titles:

Annuals: Health at a Glance; International Migration Outlook; Labour Force Statistics; OECD employment Outlook; OECD Pensions at a Glance…

OECD Health Policy Studies

OECD Reviews of Health and Care Quality

OECD Health Working Papers

OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers

Databases: OECD Health Statistics; OECD International Migration Statistics; OECD Social and Welfare Statistics.