Uran, Rural and Regional Development

OECD work on this subject area examines how regions, whether urban, rural, crossborder or metropolitan, contribute to national growth. This work focuses on how a place-based development model, a multi-sector policy approach that harnesses endogenous strengths and assets using networked, multi-level governance mechanisms, is best suited to achieve regional and aggregate growth outcomes. The integrated analysis of historical, cultural and socio-economic factor can explain why and how a given territory can improve its own prospects for growth and development.

Over 280 ebooks

Over 1100 chapters

Over 400 tables and graphs

Over 40 working papers


Outstanding Titles:

Annuals: OECD Regions at a Glance

Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED)

OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation

OECD Rural Policy Reviews

OECD Territorial Reviews

OECD Regional Development Working Papers

OECD Regional Statistic: Large Regions; Small Regions; Metropolitan Regions.
