Integrated Library System - Symphony
Libraries today have diverse and dynamic needs, reflecting everything from the current economic climate to evolving technology to shifting patron demographics. On top of that, each library’s services, collections, staff and facilities are equally variant. What a library is today may be a little different than what it was yesterday or what it will need to be tomorrow. In short, libraries are not a one-size-fits-all breed.
At SirsiDynix, we feel great responsibility to each individual library we serve and, thus, refuse to create one-size-fits all technology. The SirsiDynix Symphony® ILS, is the cornerstone of this commitment. With the Symphony system, your library can benefit from intuitive, robust technology with all the bells and whistles, a rich patron interface, and a fully adaptable, expandable and customizable platform. It can be as complex or as simple as you need it to be today; but if your needs change tomorrow, it’s ready for the challenge.